The Reality Of Our Situation

The decline of union market share has been happening for many years. Virtually all construction unions have grave concerns not only about market share but also about the demographics of the union membership.

These situations have been compounded by the economic downturns and reduced ability for union contractors to compete with non-union firms. For us to survive, union labor and union contractors must break down the barriers of the past and build the future together. The UA and the MCAA are first in line to do this.

I am not going to go through the trouble to explain the details of market share and demographics because the bottom line is, no matter what the percentage is, union mechanical contractors have an opportunity to increase their market share. Increased market share will increase the number of UA members working, which will increase the number of apprentices that can enter the program. Increased work for contractors and an increase in the number of UA members means health and welfare and pension funds can remain healthy.

Having that said, the demographics of the UA are soon to be in peril if we do not take action. With the number of Baby Boomers nearing retirement age the number of active members remaining cannot fund the number of members that will be retiring. Working members fund retiree benefits!

I know the podcast is a reach from being professional, it is just a hobby but the purpose is real. This is an avenue to get out there into the world’s ear and get the able minds and bodies to get into the program. We have to act now, we have to act fast, and we need your support to do so.

We are working with the UA, Training Directors, and State Organizers to open doors through online applications, trade shows, and a dang ole podcast. We are all fighting to regain our market share and improve the demographics within the UA to protect our future and the future of America!

If you see and understand the reality of our situation that I have briefly touched on here, please help me to secure our safety through the hard times to come. Hit the link here in this sentence and sign up to contribute to promoting the UA, protecting our future, and fighting to Keep America Union Strong!

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