Just The Beginning!

Hello world! This is Chad from the Working Game. I am just one of those working stiffs that is, as they say, living the dream!

I have decided to group up with some of my friends to help make the day to day trials and tribulations a bit more tolerable. In this effort, I am hoping to provide some entertainment by sharing some real life experiences in the construction industry and possibly interest some new folks or provide an avenue to get someone who might be starting out and looking for one of the greatest opportunities for a way to build that American dream. Even if you are just looking to make a change or improve your situation, there are several ways for you to do that here no matter where you are in the country.

If you are curious, interested, or ready to jump on board drop an email, I will be glad to help!

As the title suggests this is just the beginning, I will be adding and modifying this website and at some point have it together completely. I am doing this in my spare time, which is hard to find, but will continue as time allows.

Go ahead and have a listen to the latest episode of the Working Game podcast here.

Feel free to give some feedback, leave a comment, or send an email. I would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions.

Thanks for being here!


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