Weekly Ads On Working Game

By finding yourself on this page you are participating in the protection of our future by helping to keep America Union Strong! Signing up through this link will set you up for weekly ads on the Working Game podcast. It is a quantity based entry so you can choose from 1-4 per month and it will be billed monthly for $25 for each ad. I can’t do more than four and get everything covered.

Be sure to share the podcast to help expand the number of listeners who hear your ad. We are currently pushing this out and are already being heard in IN, OH, KY, and CO. There are prospects to go further as time allows and people get on board. We are now working with the Director of IT for the UA and hope to be pushed nationally soon.

Let’s grow together and make this a more tolerable place for all the working stiffs in this industry! Sign up below and I will be notified. Once you are in, I will put the ads up and let you know when it is out.

Keep America Union Strong

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